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19 octobre 2010 2 19 /10 /octobre /2010 13:09

Hang on to your bloomers, it’s going to be a bumpy ride! The pension protesters in France demonstrated in the last couple of days how well they can curtail the system by controlling petrol supplies. I’m impressed, though I wish people would mobilise and unite for things that are far more important such as the destruction of our environment. As a generation X-er I’ve been well aware of the fact that our pensions would never be as opulent as those of our grandparents. Baby Boomers out number us almost 3 to 1; so how on earth can we pay for them? The system is crumbling. Is this the beginning of the end for the West? Doomsayers smirk as they point to their hordes of food in their special equipped basements. Ramtha School of Enlightenment predicts this kind of a dismal future, where fuel and food shortages, along with environmental catastrophes will be the norm. What kind of future do you foresee? If you constantly follow the news, without realising it you are being brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Choose what you read carefully in the same way you choose what to eat. Discernment is the key to deciding how you’re going to deal with the ascendance. These are crazy times we live in. Be centred by doing your practices such as meditation, asana, etc. If you don’t have a practice of any sort, singing always does the trick to steady the mind.  

What on earth do I mean by ascendance? If you’re absolutely clueless as to what I mean by this and you’ve managed to find my site, then, it’s time you did your homework. There are lots of different theories about the 2012 ascendance; there are bleak predictions with equally uplifting and assuring ones. What you chose to belief is up to you. Just be aware that your reality has an effect on the unconscious collective so try to pick something that will benefit everyone, including Gaia. (If you want it explained to you, people will come into your life to talk to you about what’s happening). The interesting thing about the 2012 ascendance is that really good pshychics are unable to tap into this fabric of the future. A friend of mine and a known pshychic tells me that whenever she gets asked about 2012 she only sees a barrier. It’s as if as a species we are making some sort of decision that will affect our evolution, she said.

How does food come into play with the changes? Our world is forced to change, whether we like it or not. We either take the high, more evolved road or we must say good bye to life on earth. The latter is a very plausible scenario. Your thoughts and intentions are just as powerful as definite action, since they are the seeds for change. In the Vedas they continually emphasise the importance of thought and language and how they in the end create our future. Think the highest thoughts and use the best of language. You don’t have to censor yourself, since the occasional swear word can be just as poignant, just keep in mind that all words have a frequency. The more elevated thoughts you have, the better a reality you will manifest. Be kind to yourself in your thoughts and start practicing tolerance, love and acceptance towards others and yourself.

Food and what you eat plays a part in all of this, since the food you eat fuels our thoughts. Food is our battery and the kind of food you consume will either support your possitive intentions or it will deter your efforts and only lead you in the path of fear. If you eat meat, keep in mind that all of the suffering the creatures had to endure courses through your light body and affects the mind. The esoteric nature of food is something that all of the ancients knew about from the Pythagoreans to the Essenes. It’s only been in the last 30 years that some of this knowledge is returning to the West thanks to different scholars like Don Tolman, Ron Teegarden and others. I try to spread some of this esoteric knowledge, while keeping in mind that some people who read this blog are clueless as to what the true nature of nutrition is about. I apologise if this is going way over your head, but something tells me that most of you in one level or another know what I’m saying.

If you still haven’t signed up for the David Wolfe event, there are few places left. If you live in Paris, I encourage you to participate. This will be a life changing event. Have a wonderful week...Live for Love, Arletty Abady     

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<br /> Hi Arletty, David wolfe's speech has been an important event in my food education. Participate to his presentation allowed me to feel and share the energy he spreads through his wisdom.<br /> Unfortunately, i only enjoyed the first night he was here and i am very upset because i missed the whole second most interesting day of lecture.<br /> I'd love to meet him on his next appearance in Paris or meet him Ontario where if I remember he must have a rawfarm.<br /> The whole night had been a delight, the second part diner was just inventive and amzing.<br /> Tout autre sujet, j'ai égaré mon porte-feuille ce jour là contenant que des cartes genre Carte vitales ou cartes de visite, si tu as la chance de l'avoir trouvé je ne te serais jamais assez<br /> reconnaissant. Mon nom est Vincent, je m'étais rajouté à la soirée de David au dernier moment en te téléphonant sur ton cell. Malheureusement je n'ai pas gardé trace de ton numéro. Je suis<br /> actuellement à Lyon mais serais sur Paris vendredi prochain, si tu me confirmes l'avoir trouvé je passerai le récupérer. Mais il est probable que je l'ai perdu ailleurs ma journée avait été<br /> également très longue ce jour là. sinon j'espère que l'on se rencontrera de nouveau lors d'un des évènements de découvertes gustatives et nutritionnelles.<br /> I'll keep reading your blog to have informations about new events. Don't hesitate to send me an email back.<br /> Thank you for all. Take care. Vincent<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Hi Vincent,<br /> <br /> <br /> I'm glad you enjoyed the seminar; it definately rocked! I studied with David in Ontario and wa's very different to Paris, lots of people. In fact, each place he teaches at there's a different<br /> vibe. And Paris was very special and unusually intimate. I hope to find similar quarters and ambience for the next event. Hopefully you can join us then...BTW, thanks for your feedback and glad<br /> you enjoyed my food.<br /> <br /> <br /> Je vais appeller la proprietaire de l'appartement toute à l'heure, car qlq'un d'autre a oublié un truc. Je te dirai plus tard.<br /> <br /> <br /> Si tu es sur Paris ce vendredi, je donne un cours sur des dessert avec des supers-aliments et des elixirs. Le cours coûte 55€. Ou bien tu pourrait faire la dégustation pour 10€. En tout cas, si<br /> tu peux pas nous joindre ce vendredi soir, j'espère te voir au prochain potluck. Namasté, Arletty<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Thanks, enjoyed reading your response. Good that David Wolfe's seminar was a success. Difficult to imagine otherwise, of course. :) If he is to do another European tour - do you think you could<br /> suggest he'll advertise the dates a tad earlier? And no, I have looked into German events (it might be a good idea, though). Partly because kiddos are only becoming of age where I feel completely<br /> comfortable leaving them with others for longer periods. I simply do not seem to have that French gene that convinces women it is OK to part their babies at the ages of 3 to 5 months to take care<br /> of their own business, lol.<br /> Take care, have a wonderful weekend, Kadi<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> I hear you and honour you for putting your kids first. Once they are a little older, you can bring them along. David loves kids. Have a wickedly fun day! Arletty<br /> <br /> <br /> HI AGAIN KADI<br /> <br /> <br /> http://huynh.info/node/28<br /> <br /> <br /> The above link has info that might interest you. Hope it helps...Namasté, Arletty<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Hi Arletty, I came across your blog as I checked up the contacts sent by David Wolfe for his seminars in Europe. Quite a few interesting posts, I enjoyed reading them, thanks! (Enjoyed, in spite of<br /> being pissed off by the fact the David Wolfe announced his tour only like 3 days in advance, so there is zero opportunity for me to come - no way I could arrange child care that quickly and then<br /> have time to book travel + hotel... Yes, my first thought was that I would like to come, even if it does mean taking a train from Starbourg.)<br /> Then I thought why don't I let you know that your blog is a good read. Who knows perhaps you're familiar with alternative health people also elsewhere and you could give me a hint where to look for<br /> good seminars in Alsace. Take care. Love and light.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Hi Kadi,<br /> <br /> <br /> I really appreciate your feedback; it's comments like yours that makes the effort of doing this work worthwhile.<br /> <br /> <br /> I'm sorry you couldn't be with us. Know that there were a number of people who were in similar predicaments. But I'm certain that you will get a chance to<br /> study in person with David, because not only was the seminar a big success, but more importantly David dug the vibe so much that he definately plans to keep Paris on his itinerary for his next<br /> European tour. So, I hope you'll be able to join us next time and partake in our higher, consciousness education. In the meantime, continue preparing yourself by nourishing your mind, body and<br /> soul with the highest of frequencies.<br /> <br /> <br /> As for your query, I know a friend, who did some healing stuff in that region, I'll find out for you. You've probably already considered this or even done<br /> this, but since you're so close to Germany, do you ever go there for cutting-edge stuff?<br /> <br /> <br /> Magic-maker, have a wonderful week....Namasté, Arletty <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


  • : L'Atelier Crusine
  • : La Gastronomie Vivante/Raw est faite pour ceux qui choisissent une qualité de vie avec le goût raffiné de la santé. Manger sain, est-ce bon? Oui, ça l'est... et je suis ravie de diffuser une autre façon de préparer la cuisine, inspirée par la crusine californienne. C'est veggie, c'est bon pour nous. Ca a un sens comme mode de vie. Alors, pourquoi continuer à manger de la viande et du fromage tous les jours?
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