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4 septembre 2011 7 04 /09 /septembre /2011 20:23





I listened to Nirvana. The rain mirrored my disappointment. No Dr Jubb event.   Sorry to all those who were counting on it. My sincere apologies. Scheduling along with other challenges came in the way and I’m afraid I fouled things up.
Dr Jubb is truly a great teacher and a great speaker. And if you’re interested in seeing Dr Jubb in the future, boy do I have a surprise for you...

I’m using Cobain’s rock ‘n roll to get all revved up for David Wolfe, unquestionably the best teacher and speaker on the raw food lifestyle. I feel like throwing myself on a mosh pitt, because this dude is simply amazing and enthralling.

His events are life changing, transformative. How about an experience that will completely blow you away? Change your life and help get rid of some insidious psychological habits you use in the way you live, the way you eat, the way you think, the way you love yourself and others?

The raw food pionneers have left such a mark on me that I thank and honour every single one of my teachers. Listening to the land and eating food that nature intended was so far away from my reality that I never dreamed of how powerful an effect it would have on me. Up until I met David Wolfe I never met people who strived to live like us.



Our attention span is so short that only doing an immersion will truly get the message across and allow transformation to happen, a deep inner-transformation. Best of all, the first time I took a David Wolfe event, I realised that I gained life tools that allowed me to live and accept others, which makes it easier for me to live the raw food lifestyle.

If you want to experience some true transformation, the beginning or the continuation of a healing process, don’t be afraid. Come to David’s event in October. You’ll be happy you did. Your search and queries need nourishment and support and his message is powerful.

This year David will teach us all about sugar addiction. He’ll give us a true understanding of what sugar does to one’s system, beauty and mind. Sugar ravages our looks on the outside; so imagine what it does on the inside. Imagine also having the fortitude to say ‘No’ to sugar. Most of us are so weak when it comes to sugar. And is it any wonder? Sugar is so sweet and beautiful on the tongue...And so deadly and addictive, as bad as cocaine. But you don’t have to give up sweetness. Learn about healthy sugars and sugars that don’t destroy our inner and outer beauty.






David will also be talking about every day Radiation. How to handle radiation is important in today’s world, where high radiation (not just from the sun) is a fact of life. Learn how you can immune and protect yourself to the kind of cell-mutations and illnesses radiation causes. Learn how you can protect your children (or future children) from the effects of radiation. This is stuff that’s precious life-saving knowledge, if we want to thrive in today’s polluted world.



Photo: One of the weapons David will talk about, a remarkable healing mushroom that combats radiation!



The last day event is all about calcification and the aging process. You’ll be shocked to learn how aging is accelerated by certain foods, primarily calcium, the wrong kinds of calcium. You’ll also learn how the body creates micro-organisms that cause age-related inflammations, pain and debilitating diseases. It’s a subject that’s finally getting scientific back-up, but you won’t find the research in mainstream media. This is knowledge that’s 50 years ahead of our way of seeing disease and aging and it would also put a lot of businesses out of service. Just think, this is the kind of knowledge that can extend the fertility period of a woman let alone extend one’s youthful appearance simply by introducing or taking away certain things to one’s lifestyle. It’s very exciting stuff! And David makes it so easy and fun to learn and take action!


Once you have Candida, you're at a bad stage of the calcification process...

candida albicans


Thanks to David and teachers like him, I never would’ve had the kind of certainty and knowledge to save my dad from the throes of death through a green juice cleanse and herbal diet. If you’re unfamiliar with the story, please visit the blog post here. David is a walking encyclopedia of avant-garde health and nutrition. He also lives and experiences true health, something few of us understand, because we lack the experience. Seeing his glow, his strength and his power has an effect on everyone.

Meeting David Wolfe touches lives in a very inexplicable way. Personally, I met him almost seven years ago. By then I was already on the raw journey, but not as committed as I am now. Nor did I have the intellectual understanding of what exactly foods do to our minds, bodies, emotions, spirit and beauty as I do now. Food is the foundation of who we are and it supports our unique mission on the planet. What you eat matters!

These days David’s message is spreading in unbelievable ways, especially in North America, where he is recognised as a true expert in the field of health and nutrition. His client list includes Woody Harrleson, Anthony Robbins, Nathalie Portman, even famous MMA kick-boxers to name but a few!

When I started studying with David, I must have driven him bonkers with all of my queries. But he never shut me up! He took the time to listen and to answer every single one of my questions. He gave me true insights from his study, research and personal experiences. He gave me the answers and solutions I needed to change my ill body, change my life and incidentally save my dad’s life. I still question everything, which is why I keep studying with him and I continually learn from him. But having the experience of living on a full on raw food diet brings an inner knowing. There are things I don’t stress about anymore, there’s a Zen-like state often times inside me, a knowing, which brings incredible certainty and courage.



Photo: David and I last year near the Pompidou.

David Pompidou



I feel how this lifestyle supports everything I do and it’s powerful. Sharing this powerful knowledge with others drives me, because I see how ultimately it’s knowledge that’s been kept hidden for far too long.

If Kurt Cobain were alive today, I think he would’ve met David Wolfe and tried out the raw food lifestyle. I say this, because I see how Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, turned Vegetarian and is now enthused about raw foods thanks to people like David. Kiedis could’ve gone down the same road as Cobain. He had a serious heroine addiction. But now, he’s tripping out on food chemicals that enhance endorphins and Seratonin, mainly things like raw foods and cacao.

I hope you’ll come out to see David and support this paradigme of change that you are a part of. We are going to have a powerful, fun and transformative time together. The only way I can describe a David Wolfe event is by describing it at follows: Take a kick-ass university lecturer, a rock ‘n roll concert, a nurturing environment, Gaia’s energy, a charasmatic shamanic presence, an aura of love, new sensorial experiences to your tongue, body and mind, exciting life tools, and then roll them all together and you basically have the most common ingredients of a David Wolfe event. Rejoice! Life is Awesome and you are part of the magic! Come along and let’s celebrate together!

Send me an email right now to reserve and confirm your booking. ArlettyAbady@gmail.com or click here now to see how the magic will unfold! Have a Magical Week! Live for Love! Arletty Abady

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