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19 juin 2011 7 19 /06 /juin /2011 19:36

photo: Essene bread with Tahini spreadcarrot_herb_bread_fermented_cashew_cheese_kerbel.jpg


Week in Review, Western Europe Style.

Does it come as a shocker that our staff of life has been fiddled with?

The most recent scandal to hit our news, regarding the behind the scenes of our food is bread.

Ever wonder, when you read the list of ingredients what L-Cysteine is in commercial bread? You’ll also find it in commercial pizza, pasta and lots of goodies that are made for the hoi polloi.

L-Cysteine comes from human hair, duck or chicken feathers and petroleum by-products.

Why is it used? Read here for the industries uses of L-Cysteine in bread products.

Though it’s not stated in that piece or any of the articles floating around, I think L-Cysteine is also a convenient filler.

We have a wheat crisis in our hands and I think more fillers will be added to our food in a way that may not be too dissimilar to the way wood chips and ergot were once found in bread during the Middle Ages. (Though I doubt we’ll be seeing any of the hallucinogens in our bread).

The cheaper the bread you buy, the worse it is. Bread, flour, pasta and all of it’s derivitatives are addictive foods.

Bread or pain as the French call it seems like a more apt name, since it does cause physical pain and suffering in the long term. Like any long term drug use, bread creates consequences to the body.

Inflammation of joints, also known as arthrites is one of the many consequences of wheat.

The critters living in your body LOVE bread- that's probably why you often crave PASTA.


How much bread do you eat a day? A week?

Can’t do without bread? Learning how to make real bread is a solution to a serious addiction.

Bread has some serious emotional charges that many people can’t do without.

On a physiological level, bread has some powerful chemical reactions that are not too dissimilar to powerful drugs. Chemicals like seratonin and dopamine for starters.

Photo: Essene Sandwich!

onion bread samich5T he bread our ancestors ate was very different to the bread we’re eating now.

Though not the healthiest of foods, bread historically made sense, since the grains could be stored for a long time. It also tasted good, filled the hole in our stomachs and had a
nutritious vital force.

But the bread we eat today is bereft of any vital force. It’s dead food.

Wouldn’t it be great, if you could eat bread that our ancestors ate?

Well, now you can learn how to make a 2,000 year old bread recipe that the Essenes used to make for their sprouted grains. Best of all, it's super easy to make.

Sprouted raw bread is a living food and a treat for raw foodist.

Boris will teach us how to make sprouted bread recipe, mould-free and L-Cysteine free ; ) There are still a few places left for the weekend workshops.

Other option, buy Essene bread at the health food store. It’s not raw, but it’s got vital life force and sprouted grains. The stuff is dense like cake, so a little goes a long way.


Have a Magical Week! Live for Love, Arletty Abady

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